By Design
"design is not for philosophy - its for life."
November 02, 2006
Small World

Its a small world after all, its a small world after all. Its a small world, its a small world, its a small, small world.....

I remember singing that song in elementary (or was it in kindergarten? seems i don't remember much and for all you know,dear faithful readers cum real friends, what i am about to write is just a story from my made up memory). Now what could be the significance of this repetitious song of my childhood??Nothing whatsoever. I just thought it would make a very nice introduction to this piece, not to mention a space filler of sorts.

I was reading a message from Teena just now and the above mentioned song just came to mind. I'm talking about Friendster and blogging and other stuff that go on in here. She told me how she did not care much for blogging before, just joined the bandwagon and now she's into it. I did not care for Frendster either but everyone I knew had an account and, what the hey, i made one too. At first I thought, now what? But to make a long story bearable, i stuck it out and found some old friends, learned to blog and started to really enjoy being a part of the Friendster community.

One thing I really enjoy is being in touch with old friends and also discovering or rather re-discovering the acquaintances that have been around for a while and realizing what wonderful people they are and eventually turning them from mere acquaintances or old childhood classmates into friends of substance. I have been corresponding with many classmates who are now in different parts of the globe and we talk about anything and everything from our lives, comments on blog entries or just really trivial stuff like the best vodka. Matter of fact I'm meeting with a friend who i have not seen some 10-15 years and we're having dinner. I can't wait. Friendster has made the world a little smaller that now we are now able to catch up so easily (or was it the Internet that did this??).

Its like with some of the acquaintances or old classmates, some of them I liked already (well, of course. naturally i like all of the people on my account) but never got to pursue a deeper friendship because maybe at that time, when i was younger not too long ago, there were other things that took precedence like being in the "in" group or having the "in" stuff or trying to get noticed by the crush of the moment or making another classmate's or teacher's life miserable and laughing about it or trying to get invited to all the great parties or wearing make up or drinking way too much and smoking to look cool then coughing up a storm and ending up looking like a fool......I could go on and on about things that i used to do, some of which I may not be too proud of now but nevertheless i had to go through as my own personal rite of passage.

I have started to write little messages to all the friends I have on my page or sent them a smile or greet them on birthdays with more than a happy birthday, i write personal notes to go with my greetings so its not generic. I think this friendster thing is just great. However, I have chosen only to include on my page people that are really my friends, people that I would like to be better friends with, people that I admire or respect and people who have at one time or another made an impact or been a part of my life. I hate that I sometimes have to "not accept" request for "add as friend". Its nothing personal and I am not being as ass but hey I got this request from somebody once who i and everybody around us knew hated me. Now what is that about? So hypocritical, so phony. Has this person suddenly developed amnesia?? But on a pleasant note, I am glad to say that I was not that big a loss to this person's some 500 or so circle of friends and growing. I am happy where I'm at. All is well that end well.

"Its a small world after all, its a small world after all............"

Blogger haaynaku said...
wow, fenk na fenk....